Global Earthquake Monitor
This project was a part of the Java Object-Oriented Design of Data Structures Specialization by UCSD on Coursera. This Specialization covers intermediate topics in software development, including implementation of data structures and algorithms for organizing large amounts of data in a way that is both efficient and easy to work with.
This interactive map uses a live RSS feed from the U.S. Geological Survey to show the location, magnitude, and potential impact of earthquakes around the world.
User Stories
- Users can obtain a graphical representation of how each earthquake compares to other earthquakes along a certain parameter by entering a keyboard command.
- If an ocean earthquake marker is clicked, lines are drawn between this marker and all of the cities that may be affected by it.
- If the user clicks an earthquake marker, all cities that may be affected by this earthquake are displayed; when the user clicks a city marker, all earthquakes that may affect that city are displayed.
- Popup information boxes about the earthquakes and cities are always drawn on top of all other graphical information. Information boxes are contained within the map content area.
Java, Unfolding Maps, Processing Library